So more solo sessions.
My hands hurt from yesterday’s digging
Before n after
Done the berm looks tidy!
Pig on the left happy as larry!
Fixed up some landings today
Fotos dwn low
So chuffed with this!
Slicked backs where it’s at!
Also heres a picture of the not so little piglets
April showers
This last week it has rain a fair amount. Would of been welcome over winter but oh well a chance to get things done which we didn’t manage to finish.
A few photos from today
Dup lips for hips
Slapped in the back of this. Looks alot tidier now
Got to sort out this landing abit more, side and part of the front needs a bit of love
Quick one
Yesterday were a bit chilly!
Did a few things, a lip now looking like a lip not a landslide.
Two tone lips waddup!
Got the small switch back berms looking like they could be in running soon.
A few shots of the overall place
Some bluebells to finish off with
April doings
So winter has been and gone, Spring has arrived. Managed to get a few rides in which felt super!
Still got a few things to tidy up and chalk but this recent rain is proper good for the trails.
A few recent photos to follow.
The only photo I think I actually have of riding. Defiantly need to take some more.
This is gunna b fucking crazy!!!
Pat was looking at a drain pipe
All for now. Maybe a video soon? See what wills doing behind the camera.
At the weekend we got stuff done.
Back of last main line. Tidied up
Last main line landing
Run in smoothed reet out
Halfords kicker
Long and low yea u no dat