Me and mark went up to the woods yesterday,
Up rights and cross beams done.
Then we got the roof up.
then side panels
then we scrummed the table, polished the floor. various other cleaning operations and the final product…
absolutely BOSH!
Tool of the day goes to the pick axe for its perfect precison.
up a tree
late posting, oh well. over Easter me and Max climbed up a tree up the trails. He’s got all those ropes and business and it was rad.
Quite a lot of effort to get up there, especially when untrained and in my low exercise london life. you have to effectively pull half your body weight on the rope all the way up the tree.
Max put the camera in a bag and I pulled it up. Quite a long way up.
Quite high, strange but enjoyable experience to be up there. I got a phone call just at the top as I got there.
Jumps look cool from up there, gonna film in the summer. Probably look amazing top down with more greenery.
more solo sessions
Rad mist up the woods yesterday.
Shit looked well mystic.
The new stuff is taking quite some time to perfect. Looks like shit here but it coming on good and gonna be rad.
Good stacking weather so put up the side of this landing a bit more.
Looks good to me, all of the landers should be like this really…
trails looks somewhat haggard but not too bad. shame the tarps seem to only half stayed on at best.
woods. rad.
so yeah
Went to this the other day, it was pretty cool I guess. I was too stressed to enjoy it much, but did quite like the white russian and long island tea.
So I’m at home for holidays [there must have been some reason I was updating this site] and it is pretty cold and became pretty wet today.
So I went to the woods.
And it was rad;loud with birds chirping away.
Trails looks not terrible but not great. All the tarps were only half on, not cool. Did a bit of digging and it was ok. Still a little dry to stack properly but not bad. Renovated mid line looks like it’s gonna be treats and apparently we are gonna get even more soil dumped up to finish off the bottom of the main line.
Then it got dark so I went home to drink my 6th cup of tea of the day or summat.
whats up muchachas?!
such a classic edit from that random go3go or whatever website just been put on vimeo. so I guess the deluxe video is going to be totally finished later this eve as I’m doing it right now. Phew. Trailers soon. I’ll make an organicbmx exclusive!!! Ha.