October happenings
heres some clips from one of the nicest octobers i can remember.
digging has been going on for sometime now managed to get a a few things done. will post up some photos soon, probably over the weekend.
no posts being uploaded shall be a thing of the past… going to try keep this up to date as well i as i possibly can
just a quick 1
just to say outs to whoever got to this website by googling this
‘a pig with mustache’
wow. Also outs to the trails riders getting it done rite now
winmill and i went up the woods at the weekend, long time since i have been up. place is looking pretty sorry for itself.

gave this line a rake, then some water, then a brush, small hit with the spade.
short video of winmill.
which i hope works.
bluebells were out in full force
should start going up more as i’m nearly all done for the year.
well hello!
So to go even further than the last post it seems that this site has been blank for ages now. That kinda sucks and sorry bout that but I fixed it for the timebeing. Anyhow here is something:
That footage is I think the last stuff I’ve filmed in the woods. Depressing eh! I’m sure there is some hope for the future tho, I graduate this academic year so back to bikes…
So I am aware that this site is in a sorry state. As you might deduce from the lack of recent posts and those recent ones only being by me not much of this scene really still exists. The trails aren’t dead, but they are not up to much this year, and we’ve not all given up bmx. The thing is that Charlie is still recovering from his ACL opp, Winmill has been in France all summer again, Evans lives in the Alps full time, Max had a bad wrist and has been away quite a bit, Aaron had mad school shit to get on and keeps it real in Dorch, and I have increasing uni pressure and broke my Toe in the middle of July. Then it’s just been raining.
So if you need internets to consume go over me blogging random stuff: patrickbest.com and await the organic bmx return. Coming in the future will be a redesigned site, some better and more limited t-shirts, and more outtakes from my filming on the vimeo.
re-up easter vid
easter nothings from OrganicBmx on Vimeo.
Forgot to post this when I put it on vimeo, should automate that really… Rode trails last weekend when down from London, good time. Aaron might have some pics…