im afraid to wax my bum keeps crossing my mind.

sorry, once again its been more than a day since i blogged. no recent tea pioneering, still on the green tea, yet to have my camomile one though.

so instead this is what i did on my weekend.


me on the left, and my band to the right. this was in our dressing room just before we went on. spinal tap came to mind, but perhaps ideas of riotous behaviour arent quite right. we watched harry potter instead.

this is what we then walked on to


well actually this is the picture i took just after we finished. probably the most awesome night ever. if you like music that some may say is commercially viable, and not recommended by patrick best, maybe you could have a little listen see of my band –

tea/digging and maybe even riding to come soon eh!? exciting! if it doesnt rain, the trails could be running…..yaaaaaaaay

one love x

posted by charlie on 30/01/08