One More Song: Holigan Disco


Institubes are my favourite record label. It seems like nothing they do they ever do badly. Not at all bmx, but might be of interest is this film. Its 45 minutes of what it is like to be on tour of north america playing dance music. It looks like the life. Its a really well made film as well.

[edit: ejit alert I forgot to put a link up. click here] 

posted by patch on 06/07/08

been there


i might need to moderate gram out of obmx. as his humour is not quite sophisticated or interesting enough for our fabulous readership, i dont think…

so yeah i went there among other things – i hardly rode. only one line running. winmill did some stuff. fun hols. lots of photos soon i guess. film to be developed and gayham to use the export feature of lightroom not just the import.

posted by patch on 04/07/08



Fucking fuckloads of photos soon.

posted by graeme on 03/07/08


so almost two weeks ago me paddy and graeme went to Paris for a bit which was mega fun


p was stoked


i came home last saturday and they went to the south.

annnd they just got home…

so then i went to glastonbury


super super super fun time and i also met scott edgeworth whilst watching MGMT  which was pretty cool and mega random

i think ill upload some more pictures when i get them. monkey masks, thieves, 5am, dylan, zebra girls, me in my dancing shoes etc etc.

suuuunshine! trails once i quit the shakes


posted by charlie on 30/06/08

can’t stop the rain

i’d like to order one summer please… still other stuff’s been sweet.


sweet hand painted sign


sweet parking


sweet breakfast


sweet support


sweet new ramp. almost done. symmetrical.

posted by patch on 04/06/08



red bull are vague, I can’t find grams news anywhere on the internet. but I can’t wait for Empire, especially if Foster is going to turn up and crack out some of these. [Photo stolen from a good update on Defgrip] clearly the best nac nac ever – alex winmill take note.

posted by patch on 02/06/08