
yes mate

alexs party, his siters pants, my head, cider = grjnlkgdfs1fdsds1!t4e4t


posted by alex on 07/01/07


i am drunk did those pcaitals work?

so yeah ithis one timw wd did something anbd then that hapopened so it was all gfood

and then after that it was okay biut i dont know anything any more

if that was th ecase then hw do uou know??!±?!?!!?!?!?!


posted by alex on 29/12/06

Yes Mang

time to be merry, deluded or grumpy?

let’s hope all three, because that would be a mean feat in it’s self.

happy christmas and jazz like.

ALSO good luck with spending an entire day with relations. God be with you all.

posted by alex on 24/12/06


yes, nothing at all.


posted by alex on 30/10/06

I am happy

yes I am yes yes yes.


posted by alex on 22/10/06

lack of bmx = pepsi

you heard what they’re saying…


posted by alex on 19/10/06