

I messaged paddy on facebook the other day. I though OBMX. Over BMX? Maybe.

Skiing is mental.

Also, when I press return on my keyboard, instead of it just like going down one line below the text it leaves a massive gap. Like above. I don’t really know why. So yeah.

I’m now going to try and ride my mini bike up a ski piste. That will be LOLCANO.

That gap there ^ is two hits of the return button. Ever noticed lap tops dont have an enter button?

I really want one of those new macbook pros. This powerbook is now getting over the hill. But after buying ski boots, volcom clothing, diesel to get here and generally wasting money on stuff I can’t warrant it. Oh and a £1200 flywheel for my van. All that together is easily a new macbook pro. Seriously. Life.

(Once return hit) what a ramble.

posted by alex on 02/12/08

slip up…

Paddy – “I have a feeling that if you come on this site, then you will also like it.”

I’m going to come all over this site. Wayhay. Anyway, in all seriousness (life is serious) it’s a good site, and the porduct looks fantastic. Bravo.



Extreme mountain walking/posing.

posted by alex on 19/05/08


So pictures, phone and other:

BRB Shoes:


Chocolate face chocolate (not P.C!):


OMG Van:


DH Lifestyle:


posted by alex on 14/05/08

Hard out holla

Just a quickie!!



Also, I broke my wrist but am hard as fuck and still riding. Yeah.

posted by alex on 01/05/08

Long Time No Dogging

So yeah hiya.

I hope everyone is okay at the BMX headquarters in Dorset. Hope hope hope good. Yeah.

I’ve been busy with riding and stuff. It’s been good. Very happy. Met so many cool people – some odd, some friendly and some just plain stupid. Fruits of life and that. Currently sitting on Lise’s bed in Annecy with a freshly broken wrist and dislocated right (the good one) shoulder. Bummer. Got the first World Cup in about 3 weeks (less!) so am a little stressed if I’m going to be okay for that little nugget. Remember “hope hope hope good. Yeah.”

Here are some pictures of the trip so far… They’re small hope they fit so Pat doesn’t got all 111 on me.

How to Pencil:


How to be artistic?


How to live “The Dream”.


Portuguese National Express:


Sledging with style:


Hard core BMX shot:


Dreams are made here:


Finally but not least – getting some sponsor/podium practice in when I get hooked up with some sweet deal or something.


There ya go. Hope this makes you laugh/cry/cringe/fart. Just something.

Ciao. (Chow).

posted by alex on 23/04/08

S-Curves and french stuff


Well drove to France yesterday, down to Annecy. Pretty KO’ed after the 800KM (500M) drive but these things are always worth it.

France is a great country, nice food, nice women, nice hills, everything nice. Lise has an S-Curve so totally stoked on that.

Here is France:


So I’m sitting in her apartment if you can call it that
and wondering some stuff. Doing a bit of tidying up (coz she’s gone out) and I’m folding these clothes and thiking to myself these are really hard to fold, ya know? So one thing leads to another and I end up trying to put them on (sorry no picture, this site is for all ages, right?). Observations will include that these clothes are so small. Like really small. Which then lead to the thought are their shoes as small as their clothes?
So yes! The shoes are (UK Size 4!). This is mental. Seriously, girls clothes are so small?! This lead to the next thought – airplanes have baggage weight limits, now if you are a girl you can surely take so much more than a guy can. This makes me slightly angry, and I think I might write a letter to the airline companies asking for higher limits for male passengers (or something proportionate to their size at least).

SO now that is off my chest, this is how french I am:

Yeah, suck that.

Also, I learnt a new ‘LOL’ …. MEGALOL. Nice eh?

posted by alex on 10/03/08