went up again on tuesday on my own, i really enjoy going up the woods its an amazing place to be right now!
is this what you were meaning pat? the landing is a foot higher, the lip isn’t though but i think it looks right. the photo doesn’t really do it any justice
not much different just built it so you actually have a berm to go round when you’ve landed instead of going off down the hill!
tree down
oh so blue
digging solo
went up on my own saturday put in some worth while hours.
got some photos of the things getting done.
started to stack the volcano lip thing, it was a right state before i started needs to be more vertical though
this had pretty much fallen apart so i decided build this lip up made it wider.
also so much soil around this lip it incredible so been using the surrounding soil which there is plenty still there as you can tell from that photo^^^^^^
gave this the once over
me and will built this up a while back. dark photos yeah
starting build this up, looking better needs more dirt on it but they shall be sweet when they are finished!
have also built up the other berm which you jump into from mid line. ill get a photo of that as it isn’t completely finished yet but woods or coming on nicely!
last dig of the year
me and will have been putting in the hours up the woods. Things taking time but good things to those who wait eyy.
little lip built, which now means you can come of the main line or mid line and hit any of the ends of any line. crazyyy!!!!! hopefully it’ll work! probably needs to go up an extra foot looking at this photo.
probably needs a few more shovels to make it a little taller.
cameras got mental it wants to take red photographs for some bizarre reason! like that
so i took this
then this.
then put my camera down.
woods are coming along nicely need to get everything major done then just tidy the place up.
return of the lost shovel
we had 2 of these i broke one the other day which was sad. last weekend we walked up through the woods a different way to normal and came across this shovel which i couldn’t find for ages! it was hiding down with the chalk pits. welcome back shovel.
October happenings
heres some clips from one of the nicest octobers i can remember.
digging has been going on for sometime now managed to get a a few things done. will post up some photos soon, probably over the weekend.
no posts being uploaded shall be a thing of the past… going to try keep this up to date as well i as i possibly can
winmill and i went up the woods at the weekend, long time since i have been up. place is looking pretty sorry for itself.
gave this line a rake, then some water, then a brush, small hit with the spade.
short video of winmill.
which i hope works.
bluebells were out in full force
should start going up more as i’m nearly all done for the year.