this page is just a few notes about the site. not that exciting.
1: please use mozilla firefox for viewing this site. not only is it a much better browser than you currently use [that includes safari] but the site looks so much nicer on it, especially as i.e. is mega ugly.
2: if you want you can use feeds to syndicate the blog, then do it. if you use a decent email client, i use mozilla thunderbird because it is really good, then you should be able to use that. find out more here then do it — atom or rss.
3: i made this site and drew the pictures did the graphics etc. if you want anything done check my portfolio site at www.gianticebox.co.uk.
4: widgets. if you’ve got a mac then you get the full obmx experience. widget numberone is the video widget. now in version1.0. [click here to download] it looks good and updates with the most recent video uploads. obmx dos and don’ts widget coming soon.