Off Again

I got a date with europe on tuesday.

I promise more photos this time…

posted by alex on 09/03/07


so we went to the woods


did some stareing


storm damage


did some more stareing


look drainage to the bottom left


even the soil is confused whether it is wet or dry


nearly finished


looking good


lets get some tea.

posted by patch on 07/03/07

Ride bikes not fashion

posted by alex on 07/03/07

safari at fault not me

i’m sticking to the stubbon but true line that it is safari’s fault. after all it is safari that doesnt seem to support web standards css and png transparency.

hopefully the next release with leopard will be better.

posted by patch on 05/03/07

bust that shit out

well, a little shoulder dislocation on friday. oops.

followed by a full lunar eclipse (pat should have had his phone on)… I took a shit photo.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Today; me, will and alex went to splashdown. was good… too much chlorine in my nose though. you get over these things, mind. slide of the day has to be Barons Revenge. alex went down head first. will and i wouldn’t. now that’s hard core if i’ve ever come across it.

I now have mozilla. i don’t like it. pat should learn how to make web sites to accommodate safari. sorry to all safari users.

my new bike got muddy.

have fun, stay off crack.

posted by alex on 04/03/07

wet ramps


well wet at the park today…

i also dropped my camera from about 4ft, battery popped out….was reet grrrrrrr jeeeze!

some pictures from a nicer yesterday at kings with kyle and dyl—–



both landed!



all in all, a good 7.5 for this weekend xxx

posted by charlie on 04/03/07