Holla Content


After that slightly jarbled last post here is something a little more coherent.

Basically my life ended when my G4 finally broke down. Lise seems to think it is due to the excessive amount of food and drink I kindly gave to it. I am not so sure. Maybe a more suspicious cause is yet to be found.

So I managed to wangle a new MBP which, Pat, is lovely. And now I have a web cam and intel and everything.

Back to life. Job was well hard, I have officially finished as of today. I am going to Portugal next Monday and hopefully going to get as sun burnt as possible when an English tourist.

Here are some pics of my travels and good times. The ‘Rowdy’ photo was amazing. Totally made my day. An Austrian car filled with old people with Rowdy as the plate. Good times.

Trench warfare.


Portugal and sun to follow…

posted by alex on 02/03/09