Yeah so life and that.

Well been pretty busy, I should use a digital camera more or summat. I don’t have any pictures. Shot some video recently though; there might be a scraps edit in a bit. Trails were good, then dust and fucked and now rained on settling in pretty good. Sunday looks good for a nice ride and some easter biscuits or whatnot.

So the internetz are pretty wild eh: these are the top search referrals to obmx. 10 is the best obviously, but 7, 8 & 9 are mad good too.

If you’ve got any of those crappy 3d paper glasses at home then find them. Check out this video trailer here with them on: – I was thinking of doing some 3d video stuff, but it clearly is far from perfect. However that vid is still nuts for the clips of Catty Woods and I think BF.

I’ll put up something good on here soon – I hope…

posted by Patrick on 08/04/09