Super Secret Update (+ Defgrip Update)

Went to Epsom with Patch, Frank and Isaac (what’s with our names?)

The uni is alright. Nothing amazing. We all got places though. Makes life easier for sure.

Can’t go to Epsom without checking the trails, so we did.


New Stuff. All the berms there are awesome.


This thing was fucking huge. Here is a tall person for scale. Straight after a gnarly step-down too.

I’m sure Patch will have his shady photos up here soon.

Check out Defgrip! Scroll down a bit and you will see the name Patrick Best. Awesome.

posted by graeme on 13/02/08

big time 1. Skiing.

Other than bikes, people do things. this is one thing some people can do.



The Old Boy.

Soleil (or something?)

Yours Truly.
yours truly

Party Animals.

So there we go. I checked out the flying photos, they’re blurry as hell. Maybe put them up?

posted by alex on 12/02/08


hello obmx.

went to kings with patch today, my first time back on the bike since doing my shoulder over again in dusk till dawn (lamest dislocation yet).

ramps were all wet due to all the stupid nature getting in the way of the sun.



patch did some tricks


like this


and this


reliably informed that this is ‘ball-bagging’

i just did some skids




and went fast a bit too. as long as i don’t have to jump and fall on my shoulder i’m happy.


“does it do continuous shooting?”

“yeah maybe”

field-testing the compact.

that’s it.

posted by graeme on 11/02/08

big time

i am so big time i flew a helicopter on firday. pics to come soon.

posted by alex on 10/02/08


after evan’s link to some horrible scotty cramner biter but without any style or flow i feel the need to counter. and to bring this site back to what it should be. i was going to link to a BF video, but the fitlife section wasnt easy on the tube so i’m going for this: 

and to think that these two spots are the two spots closest to winmill and max for 6months this year! shame they only get 1 day off a week…

posted by patch on 07/02/08

there aren’t enough ones!

This guy is mental.

posted by alex on 05/02/08